The admin blog is up, and articles that have been written elsewhere are being migrated in. If you are on a touchscreen you can just swipe from one article to the next. Check it out ...
The Admin Tricks Blog

Ed is in charge of Public Relations.  If you see him, chat is available.  There isn't enough room for Ed on your cell phone screen (he insists on a big office), but you can click the chat button under the login box or  catch Ed on the Contact page.  Meet staff members by clicking the frog in the top right.  Or you can go directly to Ed by clicking HERE.

Eddon Systems now supports an alternate ROM for the OnePlus ONE mobile phone.   The primary developer's methods focus on making the code more efficient, rather than adding flashy cruft or over or underclocking.   This is my daily driver and I felt it would be more useful to provide developer support rather than money.  Time is often the resource in shortest supply.

Somehow, between the changes made to "swipe" the administration blog and moving servers and all that, the Photo Gallery was horribly broken and no one ever told me!   I went to show some relatives over the holidays and it was dead!  How embarassing!  It's back up now, and I'll even try to add some new content to it soon.  Please open WebSite > Photo Gallery from the menu at the bottom of your screen.  Best viewed on touchscreens!

The photos used on this site are now online, plus a number of other pictures from my OnePlus One.